
Alcoholic beverage distilled from blue agave.


Distilled alcoholic beverage that has gone through an extensive filtering and purification process.


Juniper-flavored alcoholic beverage.

Melvin Cola

Never mind those tasteless, phony "cola" brands! Melvin Cola is the only true Cola, and has been since days long forgotten. If you don't drink Melvin Cola, you are not a true patriot, not even remotely cool and your momma is the bastard child of smelly hamsters!!!


A liquor made from sugar cane.


A fruit; member of the [i]citrus[/i] genus.

Cocktail shaker

A three piece device used to mix drinking ingredients by shaking.

Sugar syrup

A clear concoction of sugar and water, primarily used to sweeten drinks.

Long Island Iced Tea

An alcoholic drink.


An orange flavored liqueur.

Recipes » Mixology

Long Island Iced Tea

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