
You can scramble, soft-boil, hard-boil, poach, cook and bake with this versatile item that comes from hens.

Cooking pot

A kitchen vessel used for cooking, such as a saucepan.


A powder made by milling grains.


High fat product made by churning fresh milk.


Common table salt is made up of sodium chloride (NaCl).

Olive Oil

Oil made from pressed olives, commonly used in cooking and baking.


Bulb from the garden onion, [i]Allium cepa[/i]


A prepared meal, filling enough to serve as the main course of a dinner.

Lamb meat

Meat from lamb.

Black pepper

Seeds from the black pepper plant, [i]Piper nigrum[/i].

Ground Beef

Finely ground or chopped beef.

Sour cream

Dairy product produced by fermenting cream with certain bacteria cultures.

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Russian Pelmeni

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