
[i]Allium sativum[/i]. A type of onion with a very characteristic scent and a wide range of uses. Much traditional symbolism has been attached to garlic.


Not only tasty and healthy, but good for a hearty laugh when chucked at unsuspecting wannabees on stage.

Sesame Oil

Oil produced from sesame seeds.


You can scramble, soft-boil, hard-boil, poach, cook and bake with this versatile item that comes from hens.

Frying pan

A pan used in the kitchen for frying.

Chili powder

Spice made from chili peppers.


Food made from cooked unleavened dough.


Bulb from the garden onion, [i]Allium cepa[/i]


Cheese-like food made from coagulating soy milk, pressed into blocks.

Soy sauce

A fermented sauce made primarily from soybeans.


A prepared meal, filling enough to serve as the main course of a dinner.

Recipes » Basic Cooking

Mee Goreng

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