The estimated amount of items in Popmundo is “a lot”. Far more numerous than skills, they estimate that there are clearly more than a thousand different types of items. Difficult task to index all that mess, without even mentioning the fact that there's a hundred of items categories! Anyhow, as for skills, the Popmundo Bible will index the items in the very same way they are on Popmundo.
Here are all the basic information you could get about items. Please note that materials or colors aren't dealt here as this will take too much time to gather (for something not really useful).
Even more important than for skills, items categories are indispensable to index all the 2014 items listed on the Popmundo Bible. Faithful to those from the game, there are currently 20 displayed on this website.
Skill requirements
Some items are a little bit complex and can't be used by anyone. You'll have to know how it works before being able to use it properly.
This data determines how big/heavy is an item. 100% is the maximal weight a character can carry, meaning than any item with a size bigger than 100% was made to stay where it is. You regularly find this kind of items during quests.
There are two possible ways to produce common items: the handmade way means it can be created only from a recipe. The mass-production is the other way, even if this description can mislead you about the way to get an item, as even some unique items are actually mass-produced. Note that some very special items were created by ways out of human range, for which this criteria is non applicable (N/A).
Related skill / Skill description / Skill prerequisites
This information is displayed when reading a skill book. It shows you the skill name, description & prerequisites to read this book.
VIP Item
VIP items are can be used only by VIP characters.
Some items can be given a name or already have one give by devs. The others can't, however it's not their fault, so please be kind with them as well.
Some items, like music instruments, have a history. The history is measured in stars; the more you have, the better your item works.
For items like music instruments, this quality drops every time you use it, and you'll need to tune it or clean it with a [Item] to improve it. The quality displayed on the Bible is always the default quality.
Uses left
Many consumable items can be used more than once. This info tells you how many times you can do that before the item vanish.
Some items, especially plants, will eventually go rotten in your very hands if you don't use them before their expiry date.
Interaction item
Some items can be used only by interacting with other people.
Special info
Some extra info can be found, like it an item is protected, if it can't be used more than once by character, etc.
Many items can be created only using a recipe, and obviously many items are ingredients required for recipes.