Bottle of Red Wine

Alcoholic beverage


Not only tasty and healthy, but good for a hearty laugh when chucked at unsuspecting wannabees on stage.


Common table salt is made up of sodium chloride (NaCl).

Olive Oil

Oil made from pressed olives, commonly used in cooking and baking.

Frying pan

A pan used in the kitchen for frying.


Bulb from the garden onion, [i]Allium cepa[/i]

Garlic powder

Powdered dried garlic.

Soy sauce

A fermented sauce made primarily from soybeans.


A prepared meal, filling enough to serve as the main course of a dinner.

Black pepper

Seeds from the black pepper plant, [i]Piper nigrum[/i].


Fish of the order [i]Siluriformes[/i].


Herb, species [i]Petroselinum crispum[/i]

Recipes » Basic Cooking

Louisiana Catfish

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