Can of whipped cream


Coffee Bean

Bean from the Coffee tree, [i]Coffea arabica[/i].


Technical term [i]Sucrose[/i]. Table sugar is made from either sugar cane or sugar beet.


American corn (maize) based whiskey.


You can scramble, soft-boil, hard-boil, poach, cook and bake with this versatile item that comes from hens.


A powder made by milling grains.

Baking powder

A leavening agent used in cooking, especially baking, to make the dough fluffy.

Baker's hat

Hat or cap traditionally worn by bakers, important for baking with good hygiene and, at least as important - in style.


High fat product made by churning fresh milk.


Sweet, quick bread baked in a muffin tin.

Recipes » Baking

Irish Coffee Muffin

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