The factory is where important products such as music records are produced. Different factories charge differently for their services so shop around before placing any huge orders.
Here are the different positions you can take in this place.
Job | Salary ($/€) | Weight | Cumulative | Related attribute | Related skill |
Assistant | 240 - 2850 | 4 | Declining | Looks | None |
Cleaner | 160 - 1900 | 2 | Declining | None | None |
CEO* | 720 - 8550 | 8 | None | Intelligence (mediocre) | Basic Economics |
Worker | 240 - 2850 | 4 | Full | None | None |
Engineer | 400 - 4750 | 6 | Declining | None | Basic Engineering |
*NOTE: there can be only one CEO by locale.