Stage Events
You can find every stage events here (except a few ones like starting or leaving the show), ordered by musical genres.
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Bring a lion on stage
Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. You need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Bring out the top of the food chain on stage and pay your respects to the king of the Savannah.
Animal Training & Basic Showmanship
Dance Moribayasa
Moribayasa is a dance used by women who have bad luck. It is also the name of a particular tree that grows near the village in Guinea where this dance originated. The women prepares by putting on ragged and dirty clothes, then goes with a group of drummers to the tree. The group plays, and she sings and dances all around the village before returning to the tree. There she digs a hole and removes her ragged clothing; she buries these at the foot of the tree with a prayer for help.
Basic Dancing & Basic Fashion
Drums of Passion
Traditional African music, particularly that of West Africa, known for its highly complex polyrhythms. It is often considered by musicologists to be the most rythmically complex music in the world. Call out to your fans with these rhythms and they will respond. Call and response, that's what it's all about.
Basic Percussions & Goblet Drums
Maasai Jumping Dance
Each young man will jump as high as he can while the others stand in a circle and sing. The voices of the men get higher as the jumping increases. This jumping dance is as familiar to the Western world as the red-clad and beaded Masai warriors themselves. In the Masai language, this dancing competition is called the "adumu".
Folk Dancing & Professional Showmanship
Mbube a capella
The word mbube means "lion" in Zulu. Traditionally performed a cappella, the style is sung in a powerful and loud way. The style itself dates, according to Joseph Shabalala (leader and founder of Ladysmith Black Mambazo), to the times when young South African Zulu men left their families to travel to the big cities to find work — often in mines. In order to preserve a sense of community, these young men would form choirs and play Mbube music.
Basic Singing & Professional Showmanship
Speak out against Apartheid
Racism of any kind is bad. We will not accept it any time, any place or any where in the world. Let's make this world a better place.
Basic Leadership & Professional Rhetoric
Tell Bushongo Myth
The Bushongo are an ethnic group from the Congo River and surrounding areas. The creation god in Bushongo mythology is called Bumba, who vomited the sun, moon, earth, plants and animals, and then humanity.
Ancient History & Professional Showmanship
Tribal Dance
African tribal dance is in many ways the complete opposite to theater dance. It's usually not performed by trained professionals, it's intimately related to the needs of everyday life, and it's very often participatory. Relish in our African roots with this engaging dance!
Folk Dancing