About the Bible
The Popmundo Bible has been created, is managed, coded and translated in French and UK English by Jörgen Thorstensson.
Thanks to the help of a lot of volunteers, the website is displayed in most of the languages available on Popmundo.
Thanks to the team of Spelkultur i Sverige AB for allowing the website to use Popmundo graphics. Thanks also to the former translators and to Tom Capelhorn, Cameron Meehan & Atom Long for their occasional but precious help on different matters (advice, quests, recipes, achievements, etc.).
Popmundo's illustrations are created by Jonn Clemente.
Most of the icons used in the game are from Fugue Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane (licensed under Creative Commons 3.0). Country flag icons created by Freepik @ Flaticon.
This website is a hobby. Since the autor has a life outside and a lot of other things to do, please don't be upset if I don't update it regularly.
The Popmundo Bible is hosted in Switzerland by Infomaniak Network SA. As a fully selfless work, the access to this website and to its members area is really free. That means there will never be any ads here and that the author will never share any data you could provide by registering.
Browsing the Bible
Please note that the website uses cookies, especially to set the displayed language. Furthermore, this website also uses some javascript. Disallow cookies and javascript, and your experience here will be all messed up. It would also be very wise to use an up to date browser. The website works fine on both Firefox, Chrome & Safari, for instance. Please avoid IE<9 if you don't want to see something completely crappy on your screen.
The site uses some javascript enabled on Popmundo and Caleb Jonas's Tooltipster to improve my SVG maps for quests guides.
The Bible content
Every piece of the content you can find on this website can or could be found by any logged-in Popmundo user. The Bible has been built thanks to researches and content also found on forum. It's the perfect occasion to thank Jefe Tempe for the unbelievable work done to gather information about quests or recipes for example. Since this man — they say he is a hidden son of Kobe — created so many threads about quests, I suggest you to search threads created by him on the in-game forums, to discover the history of quests and lots of other miscellaneous things on Popmundo.
Keep in mind that the Popmundo Bible's database isn't the same as the Popmundo one.
This website isn't supported by the Popmundo staff, that's why you musn't use your Popmundo user details to register/log-in in the members area.
How to use the Bible?
The Popmundo Bible consists of several sections. The most important concern the skills, its first role was just to index them. Since the first work done in early 2008, a lot of things have been added, but only all around the skills, like the stage events, the city officies, and most important, the member area.
» About the “Skills” section | |
Besides the basic information shared by almost every skill, many of them in Popmundo have some kind of “manual instructions”. The website will try to explain how things work for most of them. Detailed help will always be welcomed in order to help people to know how to use a particular skill. Moreover, you'll find for some skills information about stage events needing them. You'll find out, for example, that the Professional Showmanship skill can be really useful on stage... |
» About the “Members area” | |
The other big part of the Popmundo Bible is the Members Area. This section allows you, through a totally free registration, to create and manage a fictive character. By setting the attributes and the skills your character has, you'll be able to find out what other skills you're able to learn, but also what events you can do on stage, what employments you can take. By registering, you'll also be able to comment the Popmundo Bible news, and soon to use an internal forum. |